Projection Concepts
1. Ellipsoid: WGS84 (Wordl Geodetic System 1984) and GRS80 () are ellipsoid names.
2. Datum: A paticular datum (like NAD 27 and NAD 83) will use the relevant ellipsoid.
3. Coordiante System: The datum will be used as a base to do the coordinate transfer, the following concepts are coordiantes.
* US State Plane 1927 (both original and exact solutions)
* US State Plane 1983
* UTM (Universal Transverse Mercator) North and South zones
* Gauss-Kruger Modified, 3TM, and 6TM
* XYZ Cartesian ECEF
* XYZ Cartesian Eath-Centered Earth Fixed (ECEF)
* New Zealand Map Grid
* Grids for Argentina, Australia, Austria, Bahrain, Belgium, Borneo, Columbia, Cuba, Egypt, England, France, Ghana, Greece, India, Iraq, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Minnesota, Netherlands, New Brunswick, New Zealand, Nigeria, Peru, Phillipines, Qatar, Quebec, Rumania, Veracruz, and many more. More are being added all the time!
4. Map Projections: formulas used to do the projection
* Albers Equal-Area Conic
* Azimuthal Equal Area
* Azimuthal Equidistant
* Bonne
* Cassini
* Double Stereographic
* Equal-Area Cylindrical
* Equidistant Conic
* Equidistant Cylindrical
* European Stereographic
* Gnomic
* Hotine Oblique Mercator (Rectified Skew Orthomorphic - with the Skew Angle parameter)
* IMW Polyconic
* Lambert Conformal Conic (1 parallel)
* Lambert Conformal Conic (2 parallel)
* Mercator
* Miller Cylindrical
* Mollweide
* Orthographic
* Polar Azimuthal
* Equal Area
* Polar Azimuthal Equidistant
* Polar Stereographic
* Polyconic
* Robinson
* Sinusiodal
* Space Oblique Mercator
* Stereographic
* Stereographic 70
* Transverse Mercator (Gauss-Kruger)
* Two-Point Fit (a special polynomial projection)
* Van der Grinten
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