Sunday, May 21, 2006

FreshTag stop working.

I use FreshTags to help organize my blogs since the blog service I use ( lacks the built-in support for this functionality. Honestly, I think the blogger service is kind of far behind of the other services offered by google.

For mysterious reason, the freshtags stop working two days ago, and I tried to use build page to experience different settings. It seems the samples it offered work perfectly, but after I change certain settings to mine, it just stops working.

I am not familar with the javascript code, and the javascript code the freshtags uses seems pretty complicated to me, so I didn't try to examine the code at the beginning. And it proved wrong, I should look into the code at the very beginning.

The issue is somehow, starts to offer all its feed only to query built in lowercase. At the beginning, I querid the tags using the upper case like this :,
And after I changed this to the lower case :,
Those tags are returned in correct way.


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