Wednesday, October 31, 2007

C String.

There is a good article about C String,  basically, there are two ways of declaring a string, either statically or dynamically.

  1. To declared  a string statically, we can either declare an explicit number of string length or not. 
   1: char label1[]="I am a test!";

   2: char label2[100]="I am a test!";

The length of the first string is decided by the actual string length, while the second string is explicitly declared as having the length of 100. Both of ways declare a mutable string,  which is different with char* label3="I am a test!".  The later one are essentially the same with const char* label3="I am a test!" . If you try to do something like lable3[0]='i', you will encounter an access violation error.

Here is a good link about this problem: Basically, when you declare char* label3="I am a test!".   it will be a constant string in the data section, this string constant has always the same address and is constant. You should always consider const char* label3="I am a test!"  because the former is only for backward purpose.

   2.  To declare a string dynamically, the string length has to be passed in like this char* dynamicalString=new string[length+1]. The last character is reserved for '\0', the end of string. The string length (strlen) is length, not length+1.

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