I was very frustrated on the old Soyo case because of the loud noise of the battery fan. I went to the local microcenter store to check some possible good deals. Fortunately, I found a Xion case with battery which is 60 dollars. Not bad, and I like one side of the case is transparent, it let me see through the case.
But the process of moving all the parts from one computer to another was not that fun to me. Initially, I thought it should be easy. But the motherboard wouldn't boot after I changed it. I thought it is possible loose memory issue, so I took both memory off, and put them on. It still wouldn't work. I even took the CPU off and put it on again.
I took the computer to the company to ask some help form Dave, who is much more experienced than me on that side. He thought the same issue with me, took one memory off, it booted. Then he took another memory off and put the first memory back on, it worked. It proved both memory were fine. He put both on, and the motherboard booted. Well, I still don't know what I did wrong at home.
Then I took the computer back and put the hard drive and DVD on, the system booted, but the OS wouldn't run. And the BIOS won't recognize any of the drives. I thought the DVD has some issue, so I connected it to the other Dell computer at home. Apparently, it worked. Then I replaced the IDE cable, the OS started. It seemed to me that OS has to boot the IDE devices in the right order. My DVD is on the primary IDE , and two hard drives are on the second IDE. If the OS couldn't find the DVD, it won't go to the next.
It took me three days to get the computer back, after all, I still likes the experiences.
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