Tuesday, January 10, 2006

SQL Server Express Utility

SQL Server Express Utility

Version 1.0.2130
SQL Server Express Utility is a tool for interacting with SQL Server. It provides many features including:
- Connect to the main instance or user-instance of SQL Server.

- Create/Attach/Detach/List databases on the server.

- Upgrade database files to match the version of the server.

- Execute SQL statements via the console (similar to SQLCMD) or the console window (UI).

- Retrieve the version of SQL Server running.

- Enable/Disable trace flags (e.g. to trace SQL statements sent to the server by any client app)

- List the instances of SQL Server on the local machine or on remote machines.

- Checkpoint and shrink a database

- Measure the performance of executing specific queries using the timer function (console mode).

- Create and playback lists of SQL commands to be executed by the server.

- Log all input/output.

Even though the tool was built with focus on SQL Server Express (by default, it tries to connect to the SQLEXPRESS instance on the local machine), the tool can also be used to connect to other versions of SQL Server, including SQL Server 2000 and earlier (see the –main option for more information).
Important note
Microsoft Corporation does not provide any technical or customer support services for SQL Server Express Utility
Major changes from the Beta2 version

- All help is now build into SSEUtil.exe. For help on a specific command type SSEUtil help .

- Create new databases (-create command)

- List the child instances running (-childlist command)

- Interactive console window (-consolewnd command)

- History commands in the SQL console (!history show/clear/save)

- Set the connection timeout (-timeout option)

- Set the command timeout (-commandtimeout) command

- Script files can contain variables that will be expanded before sending to the server.

- You can specify the name of the database when attaching (see -attach command)

e.g. SSEUtil -attach c:\northwind.mdf NW

- Most commands can now work with a file path (.mdf) or a database name.

- Detach command syntax changed. You can provide either a path or name of DB to detach

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